During the meeting, the following spoke, in this order: Josu Jon Imaz, Miguel Temboury Molina, Arcadio Gutiérrez Zapico, Teniente Coronel Fernando García González-Valerio, Margarita Robles, Francisco Javier Canalejo Ariza y Coronel José Pardo de Santayana Gómez-Olea.
The authors of the study and its coordinator, the former Minister of Industry and Energy, Claudio Aranzadi, analysed the issues addressed in this 2024 edition:
Introduction. Claudio Aranzadi
Interview with the Director-General of International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Francesco La Camera.
Energy transition in military installations. Antonio González García.
Energy transition in military operations. David Poza Cano.
OPEC: a long history and an essential role in the energy future. Neil Atkinson.
Energy networks, geopolitics and sustainable transition. Jorge Fernández Gómez y Jaime Menéndez Sánchez.
Green industrial policies in a changing world: transatlantic cooperation and global implications of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Green Deal Industrial Plan. Pau Ruiz Guix.
Please click here to download the publication: “Energía y Geoestrategia 2024”
Please click here to access the Programme and Press Release.
Please click here to watch the video of the event.