Arturo Gonzalo, Pedro Miró and Antonio Brufau, the presidents, respectively, of CECME, Enerclub and Repsol, as well as the Director of IEEE, Artillery Brigadier-General Miguel Ángel Ballesteros, took part in the Opening Session.
During the event, relevant aspects of the current energy agenda were analyzed from a geopolitical perspective. The discussed issues were the influence of Russia on European energy security, the effect of the conflicts in the Middle East on the energy industry, the prospects for nuclear energy, the universal access to electricity and its role against poverty and the activity of the energy industry in the Arctic.
These subjects were evaluated in a panel discussion among the authors of the study and the moderator, former Minister for Industry, Claudio Aranzadi. The event also included some final remarks by Miguel Ángel Ballesteros, Brigadier-General of Artillery, Arturo Gonzalo and Claudio Aranzadi.
The publicaction “Energía y Geoestrategia 2015” is available in its Spanish version: Energía y Estrategía 2015 (21 Mb) and in English: Energy and Geostrategy 2015 (21 Mb).
To read the Programme, Press Release and Publication, please visit: here.
Video summary of the event here: Vídeo.
Video with the conclusions of the event here: Vídeo.