The event took place in Campus Repsol, and it was organised jointly by the CECME and the Spanish Energy Club, with Real Instituto Elcano providing collaborative support.
On this occasion, different relevant issues on the energy domain such as the political economy of energy prices and the energy in the sustainable development goals were analysed. In the first panel speakers analysed the interactions between political and economic drivers and their implications for both producers and consumers. The second panel assessed the implications of the Sustainable Development Goals on sustainability and energy policies at a global level as well as for traditional donors and for the Global South.
The main conclusions of the XXIII World Energy Congress were presented by Claudia Cronenbold, Vicechair for the Latin American & Caribbean Region of the World Energy Congress. The main outputs of the 2017 World Energy Issues Monitor were also shared with the audience
To read the conclusions, click here (Spanish) and here (English)
The Program and press release note are available here: Program and Images
The videos of the different sessions are available on CECME’s Youtube chanel.
You can download the images of the event here.